Danone Aqua packaging

Aqua water come from the purest water sources in Indonesia. The water is sustainably collected from the deepest water sources beneath some of Indonesia’s most pristine and uniquely beautiful mountains.

The mountains are both the source and the protector of this precious resource and the design concept for the label centred around that core idea. The mountains envelop the Aqua logo with a white glow behind it - denoting a sense of vitality and purity.



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We crafted the logo to be simplerand perform better at small sizes while retaining the iconic recognition it hasin the market. It was also increased by 20% in size on the packaging formaximum stand out on shelf.

We had to make sure it didn’t looktoo different from the current design so as to avoid people thinking it was acounterfeit bottle – a common issue with any rebranding efforts in Indonesia.

Indonesian mountains are obviouslyvery different to the European Alps often found on water brands’ labels. Wecreated a more true-to-life rendering of the mountains so that Indonesianscould recognize them as their own.

Let’s connect to make something special
